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Global Epidemic Proved Ever-Increasing Dependency on Technology


Global Epidemic Proved Ever-Increasing Dependency on Technology


The current era of pandemic situations has made people realize two things. First and foremost, health priorities can’t be overlooked and the second one is that without technology it’s not possible to overcome such an emergency period. Even, COVID-19 has impacted a long-lasting revolution in the tech industry and incorporated major tech trends for making life easy. 

Yes, many businesses are forced to experience shutdowns, but numerous businesses are benefited by newer innovations. The main hindrance was to reach people while maintaining social distance. Technologies have simplified the network for customers by mitigating man-to-man contact. Moreover, students can carry on their studies in online classroom environments. Since then, there has been a discernible increase in the use of technology, which has serious consequences for people, societies, and countries. The global epidemic demonstrated our ever-increasing dependency on technology. Let’s check out what the major technological changes are due to the COVID effect.

Artificial Intelligence

Dependency on Technology hasn’t evolved recently; it has been in the technical field for the last decades. But artificial intelligence has contributed enormously to the present situation with face and speech recognition, data processing, and much more.

It’s clear that the trend won’t go backwards anymore, and customers have already adopted the change. Artificial intelligence has helped in supply and retail chain industries such as medication. Infused AI technologies have recognized the data pattern from the recent trades.

Consequently, it has become easier to trade products and services online for visitors and customers. Businesses can predict consumer behavior and recognize image and speech for supporting the new normal.

Additionally, AI-powered chatbots are also there to guide consumers over the internet and on their phones. Moreover, AI-empowered robots are working in diverse management sectors for best safety results.

Network Transitions

People, globally, have witnessed the power of networks or the internet. Whether it be for educational purposes or enterprise, none can deny the performance of the internet connection during pandemic outbreaks. However, 5G networks are yet to be established in major cities across the globe. The connection would be almost five times faster than the existing 4G one.

5G-compatible smartphones and other network-enabled devices are being launched. You can expect the entire 5G connection to be established within 2030. Eventually, the communication mode will enable the fastest download and uploading scenarios. Because 5G deploys more bandwidth and connecting capacity.

Connect to the office, school, or client; everything will be possible within a fraction of the second. In addition to this, the voice user interface is getting popular due to the fear of infection upon handling smartphones. Here, 5G networks eliminate network-strength stress by enabling faster task implementation.


For the recent technology-driven business, data is the most important asset. While millions of people are forced to attend work from home for their data-based jobs, it’s very significant to protect the data. Otherwise, the data sets are at a vulnerable edge for both the data in transfer and statically stored in devices. Businesses have improved the cybersecurity practices to prohibit cybercriminals and their activities, to sneak into the private databases of the enterprise. This has prevented many phishing attacks including the ransomware ones. 

Blockchain Platforms

This technology is inevitable for end-to-end transactions. Additionally, it has helped in constructing trust with the transparent mode of services. Blockchain technology has helped in tracking the rates of infection and donations, managing medical supply chains and crisis situations. Moreover, this is the integrity point of diverse businesses on different networks. 

Scope for Virtual Reality

It’s become harder and harder for technical workers to practice various technical tasks at home. The ability to project repairs or other technical activities at home has become easier with the introduction of VR gadgets. People utilize virtual reality (VR) gadgets for leisure purposes in addition to work-related ones during lockdowns. Additionally, these gadgets make human interaction—such as conferences and project collaboration—more engaging and energetic.

What Impacts Our Ever-Increasing Dependency on Technology?

Dependency on technology has become increasingly beneficial, leading to increased reliance on social media and less in-person conversations. This has led to a decrease in meaningful conversations and can harm family dynamics. However, the shift to digital platforms is essential for people to adapt and stay connected in today’s digital world.

What’s Next?

Well, there are infinite possibilities with the internet of things and cloud computing management, as well. Cloud computing has rebelled the sphere of online classroom activities and work from home environments. Whereas IoT is helping to develop smart cities as well as smart homes by elevating the security factors. 

Violation of cybersecurity norms can threaten the health institutes that are currently busy with the vaccine. Therefore, select the right set of technologies to keep yourself and your business safe under any circumstances. If required you can seek guidance from Mobile Repairs Dubai to get a clear insight.

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